When we set out to answer your requests to put our candles into vessels. We had some parameters.
1. The packaging must be functional. At LITE+CYCLE we loath the superfluous.
2. It must be beautiful and of substantial quality. At LITE+CYCLE we work hard to challenge mundane design.
3. Product quality must be maintained. We absolutely will not compromise on our health ethics. That means pure essential oils only. And therefore lighter scents.
A hued white vessel with a faint logo (we don't like to intrude) balanced with a functional brushed gold lid that is finely etched with our signature pattern.
The underside of the gold lid is designed with a custom pattern that creates a textured surface for
igniting a strike-anywhere match.
The glass is sized so that our LITE+CYCLE essential oil pillar candles can easily slip in.
Once you have burned your soy wax candle you can simply replace it with one of any of the
essential oil scented pillar candles. See packaging insert or our FAQ page for more info on how to.
The gold lid is dense and extinguishes your candle without any smoke or heat.
Once you are done burning simply place the lid on top of the glass, while the candle is still lit.
The flame will slowly go out. No messy smoke, or unattractive half burned candle messiness.
The signature etched pattern on the lid was created using the principles of pin and thread art.
The geometric pattern mirrors the symmetry and geometry found in the natural world
to communicate balance, connectedness, and energy. The open negative space at the center
represents a meditative point of focus - the calm, the light, the point of stillness amidst the flurry of life.
Available in all five LITE+CYCLE scents: Bergamot, Lavender, Sage, Urban Forest and Vetiver.
Always 100% pure essential oil fragrances. $78 AVAILABLE APRIL 1st.